Ardverikie is one of Scotland's oldest and most famous Great Estates.
Having been in the same ownership for over 150 years, Ardverikie is in the unique position of having been sympathetically managed with a core value of environmental stewardship for that entire period.
This has led to the diverse landscape and species mix that we are able to enjoy today. Our herd of over 1000 Red Deer roam the hills around the estate, and are carefully managed to ensure not only their health and vitality but also to make sure that their numbers do not adversely affect the habitat.
Ardverikie is an active member of our local Deer Management Group, and we work closely with neighbouring landowners and Nature Scotland to ensure that our deer management practices are focussed on a combination of habitat improvement and animal welfare.
For details of our local Deer Management Group, and the associated Deer Management Plan developed in conjunction with SNH see:
The River Pattack flows into Loch Laggan – two vital habitats for the estate. These support some of Europe's rarest breeding birds, including Ospreys and Black Throated Divers.
Visitors to Ardverikie also regularly observe Red Squirrels, Pine Martens and of course Golden Eagles and Hen Harriers on the open hill.
There is an open ended programme of re-forestation. Extensive areas of forestry are being re-generated and re-planted. Where possible, the estate is planting a mix of native tree species which will provide not only diverse habitat but also contribute towards land stabilisation.
We are committed to an extensive programme of Habitat Monitoring – over 60 sites on the estate are surveyed every year to check that our herbivore population is being correctly managed and is not adversely affecting the habitat which is so important for our ground nesting birds and small prey mammals.
As well as these landscape scale ambitions we know the smaller things matter as well. From using bio-degradeable oil in our estate machinery, to minimising plastic waste our business remains focussed not only on preserving what we already have but ensuring it remains intact to carry forward to future generations.